The Great Emanation
The Great Emanation
February 2022
Day 1: The Golden Ladder of Illumination
Day 2: The Light of A Thousand Suns
Day 3: The Galactic Halls of Wisdom
Day 4: The Portal of Cosmic Transcendence
A 4 one-hour teleclass series of guided meditations to become one with the New Earth, Solar, Galactic and Cosmic Logos Emanations
At this time of celebration, as our Solar System went through a New Cycle of Ascension during the Solstice of 12/21/21, we created a unique opportunity to be uplifted into the splendor and magnificence of our newly-birthed Solar-Selves and become One with the Great Emanation of the Light of the Sun That We Truly Are!
As we choose to take this bold step, we uplift all humanity into greater possibilities of joy, freedom and empowerment through the accelerated timelines of our newly Ascended Solar System. Let’s gather together and celebrate all that we have created within our New Solar Family of Planets and Stars and rise together into the expanded portals of ascension and solar enlightenment awaiting us.
Come join us as we receive powerful transmissions from our Ascended Solar System and the All of the Celestial Masters. We will be showered with magnificent Emanations of Glory and Light to become the Suns and Stars that we’ve always known we could be!